duminică, 9 mai 2010


Find me here.
And speak to me.
I want to feel you.
I need to hear you.

You are the light...
That's leading me...
To the place
Where i'll find peace

You are the strength...
That keeps me walking.
You are the hope...
That keeps me trusting.

You are the light
To my soul.
You are my purpose
You're everything.

And how can i stand here with you
And not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be
Any better than this?

You calm the storms
And you give me rest.
You hold me in your hands
You won't let me fold.

You steal my heart
And you take my breath away
Would you take me in?
Take me deeper now...

And how can i stand here with you
And not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be
Any better than this?

'Cause you're all i want
You're all i need
You're everything


Uneori facem prea multe pentru persoanele pe care le iubim. Dar care nu merita. Si ne alegem doar cu un mare sut in cur, care ne demoralizeaza, ne distruge incet si nu mai stim ce sa facem sa revenim la normal.
Mi-ar fi placut sa fie altfel.
Si nu, nu am sa-ti mai aduc aminte ca te iubesc, pentru ca nu am de ce. Pentru ca eu nu sunt ea. De fapt, gresit. She's not meee and she'll never be. And you know it very well.

Just know that wherever you are,
yeah, i miss you.
i miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
i miss all the little things.

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